A.A. Badenhorst Capertif

SKU: 30629
Size/Deposit: 750 mL bottle/.20 Deposit
Country: South Africa

This magnificent Grand Quinquina is flavored with cinchona bark and 35 ingredients sourced from the Cape of South Africa. The Badenhorst family starts with Chenin Blanc fortified with grape spirit, lightly sweetened with sugar of the same grapes, then adds bitter notes with bark from the cinchona tree and flavors of rare Cape botanicals like fynbos, kalmoes, and naartjies. This revival of the famous aperitif wine from centuries past is now upon us with this collaboration between Adi Badenhorst and Danish bar master Lars Lyndgaard. The resulting product is an ever evolving vintage-driven offering to rival the world's finest aperitif wines. It should be considered one of the world's great aromatized wines.